Saturday, January 20, 2007

HG Metal and its S44A balance

HG Metal, a listed company in Singapore, is a stockist and manufacturer of steel products. The company has a S44A balance of approximately $1.6mio.
It also wish to conserve funds to expand its capacity to meet growing demand.

Actions taken
To meet the contradiction in shareholders' need to take advantage of the S44A balance with dividend payout against the company's wish to conserve funds for investment, the company came out with the following initiatives:-
  • For the year ended 30 Sep 2006, the company has announced a special dividend of 4cts per share ie. 3.6cts (frankable) and 0.4cts (tax exempt).
A shareholder may seek a tax refund on the "frankable" portion. The refund would depend on the difference between the corporate tax rate of 20% and his personal tax rate.
  • HG Metal has also simultaneously annouced a 2-for-5 rights issue @20cts. Shareholders have the option to use part or all of the special dividend to take up the rights.

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